my pets

my pets
ngaco abis ini mah bukan pet, but dari game kok

Saturday, October 6, 2007

color cloud palace(sheinkoku Monogataari)

Eh ternyata minggu depannya ceritanya terjawab sudah jadi yang jadi kebingungan ku terjawab udah, contohnya nih
1) char cowoknya mulai ambil bicara
2) char cowolnya mulai cerita knp ia gak mau jadi raja
3) masa lalu char utama terbongkar
4) selama ini rajanya udah tau dunia luar cuman pura2 aja >>> it crazy
btw klo semua udah terungkap diawal trus gimana chapter selanjutnya nanti wa curiga bakal terlalu mengarah ke romantic anime.... klo lucu sih boleh tapi klo terlalu romantis juga bosen hue

BTW in this week , many story that i still confused , now become clear
for example:
1) primer male char is talking and thinking in this week
2)primer male char is talking why he don't want become to be a king
3) primer male char backstreet storyline now open
4) I think the king has known about the environment, but he make the girl think that he not know anything
BTW if the story is too fast , i think in next chapter will be so many romantic anime story..... i think fun is more important than romance side, because it so boring

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